
| Tuesday, April 24, 2018 |
Global event

Crisis Preferences and Prevention Plans

1:00 PM » 2:30 PM

Having a crisis plan in place before a crisis occurs could mean the difference between a manageable event and a traumatic or dangerous event. Unfortunately, there are many challenges that our providers face concerning crisis plans. Some providers confuse crisis plans with safety plans. Others don’t understand the purpose of the plan and others might not understand the importance of reviewing the plan periodically. The purpose of this course is to help our providers increase their knowledge about crisis plans and increase their confidence around their ability to develop one.

This 90 minute Teleclass will help you to become comfortable with the details around crisis planning. You will be able to identify why they are important, when to develop and update them, and learn how to use them with children, adolescents and adults. 

Read the Course Flier for more details

Register For this Class    

(clicking the registration link above will take you offsite to register with our teleconferencing system for the live portion of this class)